I have been following Public Health England's advice in regards to the continuation of our classes.
However, while there is currently uncertainty, I wanted to set down what is going to be happening over the next couple of weeks to avoid any last minute class cancellations.
As with Showbiz Academy, our next three sessions will take place online. I will email and invite you to join our Zoom call. Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service you can use to virtually meet with others. You will need to log on with either a laptop, smart phone or iPad. Your first login will invite you to download the Zoom software. When you enter the Zoom room, it will ask for your name. Please add the pupil's name rather than your own. In our classes I will discuss with them the focus of the week, warm-up and give them tasks to work on with their monologues. I will also be able to spend some time individually with them in a separate chat.
Classes will go ahead at the following times:
Class 1 - 13:30-14:00
Class 2 - 14:10-15:10
Class 3 - 15:20-16:20
Over the Easter Holidays, I will be reviewing the situation (I do hope you sang that.) You will also by now have received my letter informing you that we are finding new premises. Should advice be to continue to avoid gatherings, we will be continuing online.
Throughout the Easter Holidays I will also be available for 1 on 1 sessions. You can book in a half hour slot with me on Zoom for £15. These can be for the LAMDA classes, acting through song, audition technique or anything else you feel I may be able to help with!
Many thanks for your business so far. As always, I leave you with a bit of Blackadder...